Human Reference Gut Microbiome (HRGM) is an updated human gut microbiome catalog by including newly assembled 29,082 genomes on 845 fecal samples collected from three under-represented Asian countries—Korea, India and Japan. The HRGM provides 232,098 nonredundant genomes for 5,414 representative prokaryotic species, >103 million proteins and >274 million single nucleotide variants (SNVs), achieving over 10% increase in size from of the existing database. HRGM significantly improves taxonomic and functional classification of sequencing reads from fecal samples.
User can browse and download entire dataset of HRGM on Navigate tab.

Chan Yeong Kim, Muyoung Lee, Sunmo Yang, Kyungnam Kim, Dongeun Yong, Hye Ryun Kim, Insuk Lee. Human reference gut microbiome catalog including newly assembled genomes from under-represented Asian metagenomes.Genome Medicine 2021 Aug 27; 13(1):13 pubmed